
The FRRL offers multi-week classes throughout the year at no charge for people wishing to prepare for their first amateur radio license or for a license upgrade.

For more information contact Allen, KB9VO at:  education [at] 

General Class
September 16 thru November 4, 2017

The Fox River Radio League will be holding a free eight class course where you can learn everything you need to upgrade to your General Class Amateur Radio License.

The textbook for the class will be The ARRL General Class License Manual, 8th Edition. Be sure you have a copy for class. Books can be purchased online through at local ham-fests or several other online sources.  Click the book to find it on the ARRL site.  
Notice a spiral bound version is also available on their site.

  General Class Schedule -- Fall 2017:
  All classes are held on Saturdays, 9:00 am -- 1:00 pm

September 16

September 23

September 30

October 7

October 14

October 21

October 28

November 4
Chapter 1, Introduction
Chapter 2, Procedures and Practices
Chapter 3, Rules and Regulations

Chapter 4, Components and Circuits

Chapter 7, Antennas

Chapter 6, Digital Modes

Chapter 5, Radio Signals and Equipment

Chapter 8, Propagation

Chapter 9, Electrical and RF Safety

Primary Instructor:



Dan, W9STS

Mike, K9FE

Denny, W9HI

Roger, W9YU



Classes will be held in the Messenger Library Conference Room

Messenger Library

113 Oak St.
North Aurora, IL

The VE test session after this class will be held on November 21st.
For more information on VE sessions see VE Test Sessions.

 Messenger Library Location
113 Oak St., North Aurora, IL