VE Testing

The FRRL, in conjunction with the ARRL VEC, sponsors regular amateur examinations. While these are normally scheduled the third Thursday of every other month, sessions may be moved due to exam space and VE availability. Ad-hoc sessions are planned during major events and will be added to the schedule here as well.

Upcoming Testing Schedule at 6:00 PM:
Thursday September 19th

Testing Location:
Geneva Lutheran Church
301 S 3rd St,
Geneva, IL 60134

Walk ins are welcome!

Please also be sure to bring:
 - Photo Identification
 - Your FCC generated FCC Registration Number (FRN) (get one here)
 - The fee of $15.00. (The FRRL receives no portion of this fee.)
 - If upgrading bring your original FCC HAM Radio License (or the documentation you received) and a photocopy of your license for us to send in.

If you have questions about the testing program please email us at ve [at] 
Upcoming Testing Location

   Geneva Lutheran Church
   301 S 3rd St,
   Geneva, IL 60134


Study Materials

The FRRL periodically sponsors license education classes.  Information is available on the Education page.  Our classes use the ARRL license manuals for each level.  The technician level class uses the current edition of the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual.
Remember, there is no Morse Code requirement any longer to obtain your ham radio license!