
Amateur Radio has three levels of licenses.  The FRRL offers multi-week classes throughout the year at no charge for people wishing to prepare for their first amateur radio license or for a license upgrade.

For more information contact Cyndi, K9NAX at:  education [at]

ARRL Manuals used for our classes
Before purchasing a manual in advance be aware of the 
"Current thru" date.

Level 1:

Current thru
June 30, 2022

Level 2:
Current thru
June 30, 2019

Level 3:
Amateur Extra

Current thru
June 30, 2020

Amateur Extra Class
Saturday Mornings
Jan. 19 thru Mar. 23, 2019

(Register below)




Saturday mornings Jan. 19 thru Mar. 23, 2019

9:00 AM until noon

Golden Corral
4270 East New York Street
Aurora, IL

Flyer  (2 pg)

Easy Print Flyer (1 pg)

The Fox River Radio League will be holding a free 10 week course where you can learn everything you need to upgrade to the Amateur Extra Class amateur radio license.

This class is designed for people with some background in radio and a General class license. Be prepared for individual study also. This is not an easy test, but with study, passing follows. The test is a 50 question multiple choice written test.
ANYONE is invited to join the class or “sit in” as a refresher.

The textbook for the class will be The Amateur Extra Class License Manual, 11th Edition. Be sure you have a copy for class. Books can be purchased online through, at local hamfests or several other online sources. Additional study material will be given to you at the classes.

After receiving your book, be sure to view the "ARRL Supplement page" for more info and "Updates and Corrections" that may apply to your version of this book.

ARRL offers the Ham Radio License Manual that we will be using in this class.

2019 Extra Class Schedule (Updated 1/2/2019)
All classes are 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Sat. Jan 19

Sat. Jan 26

Sat. Feb 2

Sat. Feb 9

Sat. Feb 16

Sat. Feb 23

Sat. Mar 2

Sat. Mar 9

Sat. Mar 16

Sat Mar 23

Chap 1,2,3

Chap 3,4

Chap 5

Chap 6a

Chap 6b

Chap 7

Chap 8

Chap 9

Chap 10

Introduction, Operating Practices, Rules & Regs

Safety, Electrical Principles

Components & Building Blocks

Radio Circuits & Systems

Radio Circuits & Systems

Radio Signals & Measurements

Modulation Protocols & Modes

Antennas and Feed Lines

Topics in Radio Propagation

VE Testing

Patrick Smith, N9TBD

Priscilla AE9PM &
Jaye W9CY

Jaye Sauer, W9CY

John Miller, W9JDM

John Miller, W9JDM

Dean Gearhart, KB9BL

Dan Taddei, W9STS

Peter Walter, K9PW

Peter Walter, K9PW


THIS IS NOT A CRAM CLASS, HOWEVER A good amount of study on your own will be required.

Golden Corral
4270 East New York Street
Aurora, IL  60504

For more information on VE sessions see VE Test Sessions.

Course is sponsored by: Golden Corral - Aurora, IL

If you wish, to enjoy breakfast too, please come early.
Members from FRRL and BARS are invited to come early, eat breakfast, and offer their support.

Course is co-presented by:

FRRL - Fox River Radio League -- website:
BARS - Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society -- website:

 Golden Corral
4270 East New York Street, Aurora, IL