Fox River Radio League (FRRL):

The FRRL is a club for radio armatures offering knowledge sharing, fun, events, education, and license testing.  

Our meetings include a short business meeting and a program of special interest to amateur radio operators.  We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM in Batavia.

We also have a "Net" on our 2-meter repeater each Tuesday at 7:30 PM with the exception of our meeting nights.

July 10, 2016 

hamfest flyer 2016 map.pdf hamfest flyer 2016 map.pdf
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MS Walk:  May 1, 2016
- By Mike, K9FE, March 28, 2016

The MS Walk in St. Charles this year will be on Sunday May 1, 2016.  The FRRL will again be supporting communications for this event.  

Remember this is the same day as the Sandwich hamfest but this is for a great cause.  Please contact Mike, K9FE (k9fe [at] or call.  See details on the MS Walk page.

Membership Meeting / Program: May 10, 2016
- By Jason, NX9Y, April 2, 2016 

The program for the May meeting is entitled: "Quartz, The workhorse of frequency control" presented by Gary Johnson.

Membership Meeting / Program: June 14, 2016
- By Jason, NX9Y - April 2, 2016 

Information regarding field day will be covered during the business meeting followed by a presentation by Jack Hudson-W9MU on "Success on DX'ing, methods and tools".  Jack is a life long DX'er with over 340 countries confirmed and the conductor/organizer of DX University.

Field Day: June 25-26, 2016
- March 8, 2016

This year the Field Day site will again be at the Elburn Forest Perserve.
Watch for details on the Field Day page.

Hamfest: Sunday July 10, 2016
- Contact Dave, K9WDB, Update April 5, 2016

Hamfest 2016 plans are underway and advance tickets for the event will be available beginning April 12th. We are still looking for a few seminar presenters, and indoor tables are still available.

Flyer at the top of this page